Sunday, February 25, 2007

2.25.2007: Ebb Tide

The Guy is here.

He’s sitting on the stage floor. Nothing really sad about this. Just…sitting.

And he’s thinking about the last few days. About how after a week of everything suddenly rushing forward like a river flowing out of control through rapids, thing have suddenly seemed to pull away, like ebb tide.

None of the other fellows are here today. At least not yet. And the phone hasn’t rung since yesterday afternoon. Not even a text message. And there’s nothing really wrong with that.

In another version of himself, The Guy realizes he’d have completely freaked out at this point, figured all the world hates him, figured everything was going horribly wrong, that nothing will ever work itself out again, that he must return, return to what’s safe, what’s comfortable, what’s unchangeable – whatever is not like tides.

But this version of himself is smarter. This version knows that life, like the tide, is controlled by something bigger than just The Guy. Even in a play of his own making, he can’t control the pulling away of things. And that's okay.

Because the pulling away of things is necessary, essential to life being liveable. And it's always nice to see things come back to you after they've been gone a while. And a boy needs his space every now and again. To just be himself.

So he’s gonna sit here. For a while. And wait. Wait for the water to come back in and lap around his feet.

We don’t have to watch for long. Don’t worry.

So the lights go down.


Anonymous said...

We aren't massive enough to have a gravity to ourselves, though in our minds, there definitely is one, and whenever these two worlds don't match up in their physics, I freak out too. I've been freaking out for a long time.

Anonymous said...

you're alone...and yet not have all the power in the world and yet have no power at're as big as the universe and at the same time as small as an was when I would remove myself from my surroundings and the things that bother'd me the most that I could see myself as a child...sitting on the big kitchen chair...swinging my feet...eating a peanut butter and banana sandwich...nothing else mattered.

I can't remember what I was trying to say...