Friday, February 16, 2007

2.16.2007: Blank (In Which the Playwright Finds He Has Nothing to Say)

The Guy.

Empty space.

The Guy has nothing to say. He’s been sitting at the computer for over an hour and hasn’t come up with a single thing to write about.

He was sort of freaked out about it at first, because aren’t you supposed to have something to say if you’re arrogant enough to write a play a day about your life and blog it?

But here he is. A man who’s not speaking alone on a blank stage.

But there’s something about a blank stage being occupied by a man who’s not speaking that feels… right.

And The Guy thinks, “Maybe today is just a celebration of the blank page. The clean slate. The white nothing in which anything can happen.

“Maybe today is the day that clears the page for something wonderful tomorrow.”

Or maybe he just can’t think of anything to say.

Either way, here he is. On a blank stage. Not speaking.

And he stands here for a while, taking it all in, feeling perfectly at home in the blank.


Anonymous said...

everyone has these days...some more frequent than others. definitely better than just a script on stage thought. lol.

Anonymous said...

I can imagine a two hour play by some asshole postmodern playwright in New York in which a guy sits in a chair for two hours. I also imagine Andy Kaufman pulling this in one of his shows, right after he puts a bowl of jello on the stool and leaves, or reads Great Gatsby with a british accent.

Anonymous said...

it's in those comfortable silences that the best communication is possible!